2006 AIChE Annual Meeting
(5z) High-Throughput Time-Series Transcriptional Profiling Analysis of a Biological System Subjected to Multiple Perturbations: a Case Study in Systems Biology
My doctoral work consisted of designing and performing experiments that has enabled us to study integrated time-series gene expression and metabolic profiling from a systems biology perspective, followed by development of suitable data analysis technique. Specifically, Arabidopsis thaliana liquid cultures grown for 12 days under constant light and temperature were subjected to perturbations of (1) CO2 level in their growth environment (2) Osmotic stress through addition of NaCl (3) Trehalose (sugar) signal and (4) their growth media by replacing sucrose with glucose, applied individually or in combination. According to the experimental design it was possible to study the dynamic effect of (a) large number of perturbations applied to the same system (b) simultaneous perturbations and (c) comparison of the combined perturbation with the corresponding individual perturbations. Full genome cDNA microarrays (printed in TIGR) were used for dynamic gene expression profiling of the system subjected to the applied perturbations. About 400 hybridizations and the corresponding total RNA and mRNA extractions carried out by me, created a vast amount of useful data, which not only was used for my doctoral work but also was provided to the scientific community. For a comprehensive analysis of data generated, I worked on modifying the existing tools as well as developing new computational methods for gene expression profiling. We proposed an algorithm for significance analysis of time-series data followed by development of the software MiTimeS based on the algorithm which can be freely available for academic users upon request. All the results obtained were validated in the context of the known A. thaliana physiology.
Through my doctoral research, I have been exposed to experimental techniques like total RNA extraction, mRNA extraction and amplification, hybridization as well as multivariate data analysis techniques like clustering, hypothesis testing, regression and I would like to further contribute to the field of systems biology experimentally and computationally.