2006 AIChE Annual Meeting
(52e) Development of an Adsorption Model Using Aspen Custom Modeler as a Troubleshooting and Optimization Tool for Plant Processes
Aspen Plus does not provide an adsorption model within its library; therefore adsorption has to be modeled using Aspentech's own coding language through Aspen Custom Modeler. Based on this, a model was developed using Aspen Custom Model to simulate the behavior of adsorption beds at one of our facilities. The model incorporates, rigorous mass, energy, momentum balances. Mass transfer limitations were also incorporated into the model; the accuracy or success of the simulations depend on the quality of the adsorption isotherm data on hand. This model can be used to study the behavior of different types of adsorbants within our process, and helps to determine the breakthrough curves for particular impurities. The model predicts concentration profiles of the different species or impurities with respect to time in the axial direction. The use of this model could lead to optimized bed cycle times, better adsobant selection, to prevent impurities in the process, or even to screen new adsorbants by using vendor generated adsorption isotherms.