2005 Annual Meeting
(476b) Introduction of Novel Functionalities to Mesoporous Silica through Nitridation
Okubo, T. - Presenter, The University of Tokyo
Chino, N. - Presenter, The University of Tokyo
Naik, S. P. - Presenter, The University of Tokyo and PRESTO, JST
Yokoi, T. - Presenter, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Surface characters of mesoporous silica are derived from the density and the condition of the surface silanol groups. In order to introduce novel funtionalities to the mesoporous materials, the reactivity of the silanol group has been utilized.
Here we show an altenative approach through the nitridation of mesoporous silica. The nitridation was performed under ammonium flow at high temperature. Thus obtained mesorporous oxynitride showed surface characters that are quite different from the original silica.
By utilizing the unique reactivities of the surface, several novel functionalies have successfully been introduced to the mesoporous materials and the films.