2005 Annual Meeting
(308e) Synthesis and Characterization of Microfibrous Media Supported K2co3 for CO2 Capture
Current commercial CO2 removal technology in the manufacture of ammonia and syngas utilizes aqueous K2CO3 solvent. However, the use of the solvent requires a large reactor volume. CO2 capture capacity is enhanced while significantly increasing bed utilization efficiency and reducing overall system weight and volume by introducing microfibrous media. Microfibrous media bring advantages to the process by combining the use of small support particulates to promote K2CO3 utilization, high contacting efficiency, and high accessibility of K2CO3 while minimizing the pressure drop. K2CO3 sorbents supported on high surface area activated carbon particulates (ACP) of 100-250 um (dia.) are prepared by pseudo-incipient wetness at different K2CO3 loading. The drying temperature is maintained around 100-120oC. It is found that an optimum of 22 wt.% K2CO3 loading correlates to 33% utilization. An analysis of impregnated salt properties and their structural changes during CO2 adsorption is investigated by x-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD). Based on XRD results, the presence of K2CO3 phase appears at K2CO3 loading of 30 wt.%. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) is then utilized to confirm the presence of K2CO3 at loading below 30 wt.%. The thermal stability and crystallization temperature at elevated temperature (35-500oC) are determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).