2005 Annual Meeting

(282a) Gis_em (Geographic Information System for Environmental Monitoring) - a Software Implemented at Paulinia Refinery (Replan) for Management of Environmental Data


Furlan, L. T. - Presenter, Petrobras-Replan
Chang, H. K. - Presenter, UNESP - Paulista State University
Ferreira, J. - Presenter, UNICAMP - State University of Campinas

Focused on management of geographic information for monitoring soil, surface and ground water, GIS_EM (Geographic Information System for Environmental Monitoring) software has been developed, for use in REPLAN's Health, Safety and Environment Sector, with the proposal to assess the quality of its sites.

This program enables registering and management of alphanumeric information pertaining to specific themes such as drilling performed for sample collection and for monitoring well installation, geophysical and other tests. To manage such themes, the system has alphanumeric searching tools, with specific filters and spatial search, through the selection of spatial elements (themes) in map view. The program also enables registering and management of alphanumeric information from results of chemical analyses of soil, surface and groundwater, as well as reference values providing orientation for soil and water quality, such as that of USEPA, Dutch List, among others.

Documents existing in digital form, such as reports, photos, maps, related or not to the spatial elements of the project themes (drillings, wells, areas, etc.), may be registered and manipulated in the network environment. Management application enables both registering - according to the themes selected - and consultation of data through specific filters, such as date or date interval, subject, area or document format, or also through a combination of these filters, by means of which desired information can be selected. As a product of consultation, it is possible to view available documents in lists, with information registered and requested through filters. Data consulting interfaces enable viewing of registered information through lists and reports and, in the case of spatial elements, same may be viewed on maps. Results pertaining to historical development of concentrations obtained from water samples, anomalous values and other information pertaining to results of chemical analyses in soil samples may be viewed in chart form.

Functionalities available in GIS_EM system have been implemented by means of development tools Microsoft Visual Studio.NET and ESRI ArcGis ArcObjects 9.0, to the end of personalizing GIS software ESRI ArcGis 9.0 to a client/server environment. Development standard adopted follows the methodology of development in tiers (n-tiers), called MVC (Model View Controller); recommended by the international standard of software projects ?Design Partners?. The geographic data base has been modeled by using the CASE Erwin tool and implemented in ESRI Personal Geodatabase.

As system centralizes information generated during environmental investigations, it expedites access to and consultation of documents produced and stored in the network environment, minimizing search time and the need to file printed documents.