2005 Annual Meeting
(187b) Rheological and Structural Studies of Linear Polyethylene Melts under Planar Elongational Flow Using Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations
molecular dynamics (NEMD) simulations play a significant role in our
understanding of rheological and structural behaviors of polymeric materials in
flowing systems, which is important not only in practical polymer processing,
but also in advancing our knowledge of fundamental characteristics of chain
molecules, i.e., viscoelasticity.1,2
While numerous data of shear flow as an important standard flow in the study of
rheology have been accumulated not only by real experiments but also by
computer simulations, there have been only few experimental data of
elongational flow due to the difficulty in performing experiment. More seriously, NEMD simulation of
elongational flow has been fraught with its limited simulation time, which could
be easily exceeded by the intrinsic relaxation time of physical system even
with short chain molecules. This difficulty has been partially, i.e., only for
planar elongational flow (PEF), resolved by Kraynik and Reinelt's3
discovery of the temporal and spatial periodicity of lattice vectors in PEF,
and therefore we could, in principle, continue NEMD simulations without any
limit. Recently, however, Todd and Daivis4 have reported an
aphysical phenomenon in their NEMD simulations of PEF for a simple fluid
especially at low elongation rates when using the so-called SLLOD algorithm,
which has been the most widely used NEMD algorithm.
recently, all such problems have been resolved by the present authors5
using the so-called proper-SLLOD (or p-SLLOD) algorithm implemented with their
simulation strategy. Furthermore, more recently using the p-SLLOD algorithm,
the present authors6 have performed for the first time NEMD
simulations of PEF for systems composed of short-chain alkanes. Many
interesting results have been observed there. All the results reported therein
were shown to be physically reasonable, and their physical interpretations of
numerous different phenomena appeared to be physically plausible and consistent
with each other. Those work appeared to further demonstrate the fundamental
correctness of the p-SLLOD algorithm for elogational flow (in fact, for
arbitrary flow).
this study, we extend our NEMD simulations of PEF to more complex linear
polyethylene melts of C50H102 up to C128H258.
Technical approach
our previous work,6 we studied quite extensively the rheological and
structural properties of three short-chain alkanes such as C10H22
(decane), C16H34 (hexadecane) and C24H50
(tetracosane), under PEF using NEMD simulations by the p-SLLOD algorithm. In
the present work, we explore more complex systems comprising polyethylene melts
of C50H102, C78H158 and C128H258.
This choice of chain length may be considered a crossover from the Rouse regime
to the reptation regime.7
same temperature, T=450 K, was used
for all the systems. Different density, however, was employed for each system: r=0.7426
g/cm3 for C50H102, r=0.7640 g/cm3 for C78H158,
and r=0.7754 g/cm3 for C128H258.
Due to the fully stretched conformation of molecules at high elongation, we
used fairly big systems (but still not enough for high elongation rates), in
particular for C128H258. Specifically, we employed 96
molecules for C50H102 (total 4800 interaction sites), 192
molecules for C78H158 (total 14976 interaction sites),
and 416 molecules for C128H258 (total 53248 interaction
sites). The reduced elongation rate employed in this study ranges from =0.0001 to 0.2. The highest elongation was limited by =0.2 in order to avoid any artificial effect due to the small
system size, whose effect, in fact, was observed using the present simulation
box size at higher elongation rates.
Results and Discussion
The longest relaxation time, the
so-called Rouse time tRouse, were determined by the time correlation
function of the end-to-end vector of chains using equilibrium MD simulations: tRouse=500 ps for C50H102,
tRouse =1.4 ns for C78H158,
and tRouse =5.5 ns for C128H258.
The corresponding reduced critical elongation rates are found to be =0.0047 for C50H102, =0.0016 for C78H158, and =0.00043 for C78H158. Approximately,
above the critical elongation rate for each system, two elongational
viscosities, h1 and h2 showed tension-thinning behavior as
elongation rate increased for all the systems in this study. As in our previous
work with short-chain alkanes, it was observed that h1
and h2 are, in
general, not equal to each other, indicating that there are two independent
material functions in PEF. The minimum behavior in the hydrostatic pressure was
also observed for all the systems, as clearly reported in NEMD simulations of
shear flow for C100H202 by Moore et al..8 This behavior appeared to originate from the
change in the intermolecular LJ potential energy with elongation rate through
two competing factors of chain alignment (static factor) and intermolecular
collision (dynamic factor). As for two important structural quantities, the
mean square end-to-end distance of chains, <Rete2>,
and the mean square radius of gyration of chains, <Rg2>,
it was observed that at low elongation rates both <Rete2>
and <Rg2> increase with increasing elongation rate
because the molecules are elongated due to the field, and in the intermediate
range of elongation rate the intermolecular collisions between molecules become
stronger and is likely to disrupt their full elongation, which leads to a
plateau value.
Further details
of chain conformation have been represented well by investigating the conformation
tensor, which is considered one of the most important physical quantities in
polymer rheology.
4. References
B. Bird, R. C. Armstrong, and O. Hassager, Dynamics
of Polymeric Liquids, Vol. 1. Fluid
Mechanics, 2nd ed. (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1987).
A. Morrison, Understanding Rheology
(Oxford University Press, New York, 2001).
M. Kraynik and D. A. Reinelt, Int. J. Multiphase Flow 18, 1045 (1992).
D. Todd and P. J. Daivis, J. Chem. Phys. 112,
40 (2000).
Baig, B. J. Edwards, D. J. Keffer, and H. D. Cochran, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 114103 (2005).
Baig, B. J. Edwards, D. J. Keffer, and H. D. Cochran, J. Chem. Phys. in press.
Doi and S. F. Edwards, The Theory of
Polymer Dynamics (Oxford Univerisity Press, New York, 1986).
D. Moore, S. T. Cui, H. D. Cochran, and P. T. Cummings, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid
Mech. 93, 83 (2000).