2005 Annual Meeting
(150a) Propylene Separation from C3 Fractionator Feed Gas by Pressure Swing Adsorption
Ko, C. H., Korea Institute of Energy Research
Han, S., Korea Institute of Energy Research
Cho, S., Korea Institute of Energy Research
Propylene is one of basic feed-stocks and is used in huge quantities in petrochemical industry. The separation of propylene-propane mixtures have been performed by a highly energy-intensive distillation process at 40 oC and 240 psig in a column of 220 trays because of the close relative volatility of the components. A number of alternative methods have been investigated for olefin/paraffin separation and adsorptive separation appears to be a promising option. In this work, the separation of propylene-propane mixtures was performed by pressure swing adsorption using a g-complexation sorbent (AgNO3/aluminosilica). Adsorption isotherms and uptake curves of C3H6 and C3H8 were measured on the AgNO3/aluminosilica. A three-bed and six-step PSA cycle was used for propylene separation from C3 fractionator feed gas in naphtha cracking center. The PSA unit was operated in the pressure range of 35 mmHg ~ 980 mmHg and the performance was examined with the adsorber temperature range of 25 oC ~ 80 oC. The best PSA performance was shown at the adsorber temperature of 70 oC. In this case, propylene product purity of 99.5% was obtained with the recovery of 96% and the productivity of 3.56 gmol/(kg.h).