2nd Natural Gas Utilization Workshop
A Novel Annular Microchannel Reactor (AMR) for Small-Scale and Distributed Hydrogen Generation
This presentation gives an overview of the development of a patented AMR technology for small-scale and distributed hydrogen generation. This technology is based upon a tube-in-tube design that represents an effective miniaturization of the annular packed-bed reformer, such that individual annulus dimensions are on the order of 100 – 500micron. This miniaturization provides order-of-magnitude breakthroughs in rates of heat-transfer to the reforming catalyst for equivalent breakthroughs in gas hourly space velocities; Power+Energy, Inc.’s manufacturing facility enables rapid assembly of large (100 – 2,000) networks of parallel tube-in-tube assemblies in a single compact module. We will review proof-of-concept single-AMR experiments, resulting single- and multi-AMR CFD simulations, economic analysis of the AMR technology for replacing conventional methane steam reformers in stranded natural gas utilization, and finally module size and cost estimations based upon experimental data and CFD simulations to-date.