2nd Natural Gas Utilization Workshop
Greenhouse Gas Footprints of Transportation Fuels Manufactured from Natural Gas Liquids Derived from Shale Gas
Life cycle (well to tank) GHG footprints are a combination of upstream and fuel production components. Upstream emissions of methane (a potent greenhouse gas) and the GHG emissions caused by energy demand of the CISTAR conversion processes are the major contributions to life cycle GHG emissions. The GHG footprints analysis is highly sensitive to the region of origin of the light alkane feedstocks. The fuel production segment’s contribution to CISTAR fuel life-cycle GHG emissions depends on the details of the conversion scenarios. Preliminary baselines for CISTAR processes show that CISTAR fuel production would be comparable (+/- 10%) to GHG emissions from conventional gasoline production, but more sensitivity analyses in both upstream and fuel production segments need to be done. The results will guide research towards advances that will reduce environmental impacts of CISTAR fuels.