12th International Conference on Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS12)
Kinetic MODEL for Catalytic Reforming of Naphtha
B. Keçeciler*, M. Mutlu,** N. Uzunoğlu, K. Kahraman, and D. Şaşmaz***
*TÜPRAŞ-Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation, R&D Center, Kocaeli/TURKEY, Burcu.Kececiler@tupras.com.tr
**TÜPRAŞ-Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation, Kırıkkale Refinery, Kırıkkale/TURKEY, Mustafa.Mutlu@tupras.com.tr; Nihan.Uzunoglu@tupras.com.tr; Koray.Kahraman@tupras.com.tr
***İTÜ-İstanbul Technical University, Chemical Engineering Department, İstanbul/TURKEY, dursuns@itu.edu.tr
Catalytic reforming of naphtha is one of the most important processes for manufacturing high octane gasoline. Kinetic model is used to represent the naphtha catalytic reforming reactions. In this work, kinetic model is lumped into 34 pseudo-components in the range of C1-C14. Lumping model represents dehydrogenation, dehydrocyclization, isomerization and hydrocracking reactions that occur straight run naphtha. The proses model includes mass and energy balance equations for the combined feed, recycle gas and each reactor. The process model is used to predict temperature and reformate composition profiles in a commercial continuous catalytic regeneration unit (CCR) consisting of a series of four catalytic reactors. The simulation and plant data results’ compatibility is very satisfactory.
Keywords: catalytic reforming, kinetic modeling