International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Material Engineering (ACEME)

Study of the Potential of Carbonated Solid Foams As Acoustic Insulation Instead Using Sustainable Blowing Agents


Garcia Robles, L. L., EAN University
Bolivar Carvajal, N., EAN University
Rodriguez Torres, S. A., EAN University
Abstract - This project analyzes the behavior of carbonated solid foams fabricated using chemical agents for their
use as acoustic insulation. As part of the study, the reaction of the foaming agent (that consists of CO2 within the solid) is analyzed by the origin of the foaming agent and the suistaintable characteristics towards the enviroment. Subsequently the physical structure and background of the resulting foams were observed. This defined the contrasting aspects of the properties with the curent acoustic insulation that is currently avaible within the market. The analysis
was carried out in a theoretical manner making it possible to demostrate the use of this report as a tool for future students in the area.

Key words - Solid foam, acoustic insulation, carbonation, blowing agent.