Carbon Management Technology Conference 2019 (CMTC 2019)
Co-Optimization of CO2 Storage and Oil Recovery Using Alcohol-Treated CO2 Injection
CO2 sequestration into oil reservoir is an attractive method because of enhanced oil recovery associated with it. Combining both sequestration and oil recovery in a project add more economic value. This paper investigates effect of alcohol-treated CO2 on co-optimization of CO2 storage and oil recovery under immiscible and near miscible conditions.
Injection experiments were performed on a Bentheimer sandstone for two sets of fluid pairs (1) CO2 and oil, and (2) alcohol-treated CO2 and oil. A mixture of 35% Hexane and 65% Decane was used as oil. Alcohol-treated COâ prepared by mixing of 4% Ethanol in scCOâ at the experimental pressure and temperature. All experiments were performed at a constant temperature of 70 oC and two different pressures (1300 and 1700 psi). Literature studies show that 1300 psi represents immiscible condition and 1700 psi represents near-miscible condition for the selected oil and COâ. Oil recovery, differential pressure, and compositions are recorded during injection experiments. A co-optimization function for CO2 storage and incremental oil production is calculated by use of measured data for each experiment.
Experimental observations reveal that CO2 storage efficiency and ultimate oil recovery is increased 10-12% and 12-15% respectively with the addition of 4% ethanol in CO2. However, results suggest that degree of improvement in CO2 storage and oil recovery with alcohol-treated CO2 is more dominant during immiscible condition. Although it also shows improvement at near miscible condition, its efficiency is greatly reduced.