2017 Carbon Management Technology Conference
Evaluating the Effect of Aqueous Calcium Chloride Desiccant on Cooling Tower Performance in a Heat-Integrated Post-Combustion CO2 Capture System
UKy-CAER has completed a sensitivity study to estimate a Twb depression of 3-7 degrees due to the dehumidification stage and determined ambient conditions that realize the greatest benefit. After a relative humidity and Tdb measurement apparatus was installed and tested, the integrated cooling tower system was evaluated during a carbon capture project campaign to validate the modeling and analyses initially completed. Engineered Twb improvement compared to ambient Twb was established during the month of September, confirming the effectiveness of the UKy-CAER cooling tower design on hot, humid days. A standard deviation of only 0.3°F was seen in the cooling water exit temperature during long-term operation, suggesting accurate estimation of turbine and condenser design specifications, resulting in a reliable and economic process. As long as the waste heat needed to drive desiccant regeneration is within the inventory of available waste heat, as is the case for the UKy-CAER demonstration CO2 capture unit, little additional energy will be required to operate said system.