2015 Carbon Management Technology Conference
Aminosilicone Solvent Technology for CO2 / H2 Separation
We have successfully developed over the last seven years a platform of cost effective CO2 capture technologies based on a non-aqueous, aminosilicone solvent to reduce CO2 emissions from PC power plants.(1) These technologies have made great strides toward achieving the DOE goals of 90% CO2 capture rate, 95% CO2 purity, and 30% reduction in the cost of electricity relative to monoethanol amine (MEA). The advantages of the aminosilicone technology are its higher CO2 loading capacity, low volatility, low corrosivity, low heat capacity, and the absence of water as a co-solvent.
The presentation will focus on the applicability of the aminosilicone technology for separating CO2 from the H2 stream of a steam methane reforming H2 plant. Conditions of the inlet stream in the CO2 separation/capture plant are drastically different in the H2 plant (450 Psi; 16 % CO2, 5 % CH4, balance H2) vs. a typical coal fired power plant (14 Psi; 6 % O2, 12 % CO2, balance N2). Therefore, methane and hydrogen solubilities in the aminosilicone working solution have been measured in a pressurized reactor at the absorber outlet conditions. CO2 capture ASPENTM process model, previously developed for a coal fired power plant, has been tuned for the H2 plant inlet conditions. The model was further modified to match the experimental for H2 and CH4 solubilities. Mass / heat balance sensitivity studies were then performed to evaluate the effect of solvent recirculation rate, absorber and desorber conditions upon hydrogen throughput, CO2 capture rate and CO2 purity. Finally, the advantages and challenges of implementing the aminosilicone solvent vs. the baseline aqueous amine (2) will be discussed .
NETL awards DE-NT0005310, DE-FE0007502, and DE-FE0013755