2013 Carbon Management Technology Conference
Validation of Post Combustion Carbon Capture, Pipeline Transportation and Geologic Storage With Carbon Dioxide Sourced From a Pulverized Coal-Fired Power Plant: The Secarb Anthropogenic CCS Demonstration, Plant Barry, Alabama, USA
Carbon Management Technology Conference (CMTC 2013)
Alexandria, VA USA
October 21-23, 2013
Abstract Submission
CCUS - Capture
Exact Title of Paper:
Validation of Post Combustion Carbon Capture, Pipeline Transportation and Geologic Storage with Carbon Dioxide Sourced from a Pulverized Coal-Fired Power Plant: The SECARB Anthropogenic CCS Demonstration, Plant Barry, Alabama, USA
Morgan French, Research & Environmental Affairs, Southern Company, 600 N. 18th St., 14N-8199, Birmingham, AL 35291-8195, U.S.A., DMFrench@southernco.com , Phone: 205-257-6833, Fax: 205-257-5367
Nick Irvin, Research & Environmental Affairs, Southern Company, 600 N. 18th St., 14N-8199, Birmingham, AL 35291-8195, U.S.A., jairvin@southernco.com, Phone: 205-257-6805, Fax: 205-257-5367
Richard Esposito, Research & Environmental Affairs, Southern Company, 600 N. 18th St., 14N-8199, Birmingham, AL 35291-8195, U.S.A., raesposi@southernco.com, Phone: 205-257-6748, Fax: 205-257-5367
The landmark 25 Megawatt Carbon Capture and Sequestration Demonstration Project at Alabama Power’s Plant Barry in South Alabama uses groundbreaking technology to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, allowing the coal-fired electric generating plant to produce cleaner energy.
The demonstration plant successfully started up and achieved full-load operation in June 2011. The plant performance was very stable at full-load conditions with a CO2 capture rate of 500 tons per day (tpd)) – or approximately 150,000 tons of CO2 annually – with a successful CO2 capture rate of more than 90 percent and lower steam consumption than the conventional process. Upon completion, it became the world's largest carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) facility attached to a pulverized coal-fired power plant using a proven capture technology.
The technology deployed for capturing CO2 is the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) KM-CDR process, which utilizes the proprietary KS-1 solvent to achieve high levels of CO2 retention with significant reductions in energy penalty compared to other technologies. The CO2 capture and compression island is a fully integrated and continuously operating unit, utilizing representative equipment and demonstrating MHI’s approach for process scale-up, an optimized flow sheet, and improved unit operations. Conducting an aggressive parametric test campaign, the project team is working to fully evaluate how the KM-CDR process will perform in utility-scale service and collect the necessary data to develop a comprehensive process integration plan, in preparation for the next phase of technology development. The KM-CDR process has been demonstrated at smaller scale at a coal-fired generating station in Japan, and is currently being deployed commercially on natural gas-fired systems around the world.
This technology proves it is feasible to reduce emissions from a power plant and protect the environment, while still using coal and natural gas, which are among our most abundant natural resources in the United States. The project demonstrates the commitment of Southern Company to advancing technology in the area of clean coal. This state-of-the-art facility demonstrates carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology in a scientifically sound and economically feasible way. The ultimate goal of CCS technology is to enhance the environment around power plants – in the Southeast and ultimately across the nation – while providing a growing supply of reliable and affordable electric energy into the future.
The system uses a four-step process to remove CO2 from flue gas emitted by the plant. A chemical solvent is used to separate CO2 from the flue gas; the purified CO2 is compressed into a liquid and transported through a 12-mile pipeline to the Citronelle oil field, where it is injected and permanently stored, or sequestered, underground in a deep geologic formation.
The injection site is located in the southeast flank of Citronelle Dome within the surface geographic footprint of the unitized Citronelle Oil Field approximately 12 miles from Plant Barry and is linked to the capture plant by a 4-inch diameter underground pipeline. The injection reservoir is the Cretaceous in age Paluxy Formation located stratigraphically above the Rodessa Sands that compose the Citronelle oil pool. Geophysical simulation results of the total net sand thickness of 152 meters thickness and respective permeability suggest that Paluxy sandstones will easily allow for the proposed injection volumes of 500 tonnes per day for continuous years.