2013 Carbon Management Technology Conference

Game-Changing Technologies for Carbon Management

Despite the “miracle” of shale gas and its reduction in CO2 footprint in the electrical power sector in the U.S., much work remains to deliver affordable solutions for additional global carbon footprint mitigation, especially in the transportation sector. Development of drop-in biofuels from non-food biomass feedstocks remains challenged, in search of a gamechanging solution. Lower cost approaches for CO2 capture are needed to realize targets for widespread implementation, given that fossil energy sources will remain a significant portion of the energy mix beyond 2050. Sequestration or incorporation into viable products is challenged for distributed sources of CO2. Renewable energy requires breakthrough solutions in energy storage to efficiently meet 24/7 stakeholder needs. Capture and effective use of widely available low-value waste heat remains challenged, either via technological or integration approaches. Carbon mitigation must be considered relative to competing challenges in the food-energy-water nexus for a growing global population that will more than double energy demand by 2050.
Our stakeholders want low cost solutions to carbon mitigation. Gamechanging solutions are needed to deliver these solutions with minimal impacts to global economies.