2013 Carbon Management Technology Conference

Energy and System Analysis on Solvent-Based Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology

The chemical absorption of CO2 in solvents is considered as one of the near-commercial options for reducing CO2 emissions in stationary power plants. Solvents with fast mass transfer rates, low regeneration energy and high CO2 carrying capacity are therefore desired and continue to be explored to reduce equipment size and its associated capital cost. However, in reality, fast kinetics and energy demand for solvent regeneration are contrary for most solvents including those advanced solvents. In this presentation, a thermodynamic approach was adopted to explore the sweet spot for the balance between reaction kinetics and energy consumption including heat of reaction and sensible heat, potential practical limits for the energy penalty for CO2 capture in the power plant, and the approaches for carbon capture system internal and external heat integration. Furthermore, the impact of solvent properties on the mass transfer and energy consumption is also discussed in the presentation.