2017 Middle East Process Safety Conference
Process Safety Field Engagement (P-SaFE)
Process Safety Field Engagement (P-SaFE)
integrity, maintenance and inspection become increasingly important concerning
Process Safety as plant ages. Process safety requires constant attention.
Absence of incidents is not a good indicator that process safety is being
managed. Aiming to manage Process Safety incidents by controlling of Process
Safety leading indicators. This is a crucial role and process in term of process
safety excellence where P-SaFE is part of it.
P-SaFE is a
periodic formal verification rounds; mainly done by leadership (Go and See/Walk
the Talk); of the health of existing Process Safety barriers using predefined
checklists to identify the potential for the design barriers missing and/or
defect, which may result in a significant Process Safety Incidents. P-SaFE is a
crucial sub-process of ESP Technical pro-active monitoring.
A review of a
collection of 130 existing Bow Ties had identified 25 major barriers give 80%
of the safeguards. The P-SaFE checklists were made around these safeguards.
P-SaFE at
Ø P-SaFE program started at SADAF in 2011.
Ø 5 checklists developed and were refined to suit site specific
Equipment & Process Condition
Relief system
Recovery Measures & Procedures.
Ø P-SaFE program rolled out site wide in 2012.
Ø A management system had been initiated and approved in 2014.
Ø As part of Process Safety continuous improvement, a newly
checklists had been introduced earlier and those are about Tanks Operational Safety,
Draining and Venting, Fired Heater and Rotating Equipment.
Process Safety is out in the plant and not behind our desks. Promote active
observation and reporting of field based process safety issues
Visible Leadership Commitment by focusing on major process safety hazards and
staffs behavior around that (rather than auditing conditions)
interaction via conversations with frontline staff and observations in field.
Listen to the concerns of those who are closest to the process
motivation by looking at actions of business leaders.
to assist leaders to have quality conversations asset integrity and PS
chronic unease and promote process
safety culture
on Process Safety management via barriers thinking (A
way of Process Safety culture promotion).
aid for staff to look for abnormalities in the field.
The objective
of P-SaFE is to prevent incidents resulting from unintentional release of
energy or hazardous substances. It is about keeping the materials and product
inside the designated containments such as the pipes and vessels. This is
accomplished by Process Safety barriers.
Effective Process Safety
Zero Loss Of Primary Containment
Effective Process Safety performance.
Zero Process Safety and EHSS Incident.