7th Latin American Conference on Process Safety
Risk of Entrepreneurship Storage of Ethylene , Based on Management and Reliability of Barriers Protection
Given the current global economic context, where successive crises have become the
market increasingly competitive, it becomes essential to adopt strategies that
ensure business sustainability by preventing losses and optimization of
resources. The recent evolution of the Process Safety theme, especially after a few
accidental events of recent years such as Buncefield and Texas city, both in 2005, has
directly reflected in the sustainability of organizations and demonstrated that its management
It requires an integrated approach involving different subjects, in order to ensure
management of assets within acceptable risk standards.
To this end, a comprehensive and systemic approach to PSM (Process Safety
Managment) should be developed in conjunction with the preservation of vision barriers
preventive protection of major accident scenarios whose criticality is determined
against the potential risks from the process assets. Thus, the systemic view is
considered in conjunction with the integrity of asset management and operational excellence,
promoting the desired effectiveness in Process Safety Management, and
thus consolidating a new culture of entrepreneurship risks in
Since the risk of a given scenario can be understood as the potential
occurrence of undesirable consequences associated thereto when guarantee
full integrity of their preventive barriers, we obtain a reduction of the probability of
this scenario occurring. Thus, the security is preserved in operation, and
consequently, reduces the annual risk of financial and material losses, preserving
environmental resources and mainly lives.
In this context, the risk of a entrepreneurialism installation process is obtained
when we do a maintenance management of protective barriers of scenarios
this installation accident, and can be quantified by reducing the risk of loss
financial associated with managed risk scenarios.
In relation to corporate earnings, it is important to emphasize the existence of three
main earnings components:
- Risk reduction of annualized business by reducing the likelihood of
occurrence of the scenarios with greater potential damage;
- Proportional reduction of the overall cost of maintenance systems
plant safety through the identification of the really essential devices in
risk reduction, prioritizing the maintenance thereof;
Cost savings by eliminating unnecessary investments based
the identification of really effective protective barriers in the reduction and control
the risks.
In order to demonstrate the benefits of entrepreneurship strategy
risks in Braskem, we conducted a pilot applying this methodology for the area
ethylene storage of UNIB 1 (A-1000), which presented scenarios with high potential
losses due to the existing flammable product inventories, and the gains
They are shown in this case study.