7th Latin American Conference on Process Safety
Kpi's Integration of PSM System in the Methodology of Balanced Scorecard-BSC to Strategically Improve the Performance of Risk Management Assets in a Natural Gas Plant: Panorama of the Future PSM-BSC
The Gas Plant Model of this study, is a unique facility in Latin America, Producer of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids located in the Peruvian jungle (offshore in land operation) with an annual production capacity of over 4.4 million metric tons. Recently completed Phase One of the implementation of a Process Safety System (PSM), an initiative that supports its strategic objective of risk management assets and improve overall profitability. The initiative was established by the corporate level to help reduce maintenance costs and maximize uptime and availability of their planned production and existing facilities.
The initiative establishes a new approach for the company adopting innovative technologies, process safety strategies and strategies for generating business value. The new approach also created a platform that allowed us to establish risk management strategies of assets, to execute and measure the performance of these strategies, and then refine them based on the results. By allowing these new business processes, the company gained a better perspective of the need for improvements in assets and identified the primary sources of excessive costs and loss of benefits due to repetitive equipment failures and strategies reactive maintenance, all these measures were obtained from the analysis of KPI's proactive (leading indicators of Tier 3 and Tier 4) Process safety (PSM) related to the activation of safety systems (DSS-ASIS and DSS-AMSS).
In late 2014, the fall of economic indicators in the oil market led producers to the need to improve the performance of assets and raise their safety standards processes. The main topics were the price decline in global demand and consumption of gas, the price of methanol and the upward trend in operating costs across the industry.
Together with the uncertainty of economic conditions in the world market resulted in higher prices of raw materials, competition and new increased pressure on operating margins.
These competitive and market forces caused great losses, unless operational scenarios are created with conditions that require effective strategies asset performance to achieve world-class operations with continuous improvement in maintenance and seguriad process. Industry data suggest that mechanical failures, operational errors, unknown disorders in the process, natural hazards, design errors; all identified and managed through proactive obtained KPI's PSM program; increase the ability to minimize production costs, and to face the challenges of the market to compete more efficiently.
To improve performance the company identified through its proactive indicators PSM, several specific problems in the operational areas that needed to be addressed. These problems were seen as the main barriers that must be overcome to lay the foundations for continuous operation and improved asset performance. The first area of improvement that was identified was strengthening the processes of reliability analysis based on risk, identifying gaps between optimal and actual performance desired.
the need to establish and gain a deeper understanding of failure modes of equipment, including a defined process for qualifying unwanted bugs and security failures caused by events recognized processes. The report and registration of unwanted PSM events were essential to identify problem areas in the plant, the causes of these problems and conduct research to determine what corrective action needed to be taken. In addition, it was determined the quality of data maintenance and operations as a critical factor to improve the ability to manage the effectiveness of assets. This included inconsistencies in the documentation of work orders, weaknesses in troubleshooting and inadequate classification of maintenance activity, these approached from the perspective of human error (Human factor).
Second, the company identified the need to implement more effective ways to measure performance. indicators (KPI) and metrics result settled, but were largely reactive part (lagging indicators), very tedious and required a long time to collect, compile and analyze the information that could be used to make strategic decisions.
Inicialente a full-time employee was dedicated to the acquisition of maintenance data. Even with a dedicated resource, the weak business processes resulted in continued use of manual counting and subjective classification. All these issues helped generate inefficient processes of identifying causes and troubleshooting.
The current performance management company assets does not imply only the application of software reliability and asset Administation (SAP). The initiative also included business processes to help define management strategies based on risk assets. It was decided to implement a solution providing a work process control and management platforms such as SAP, allow:
â?¢ Improve performance of critical assets integrating local data sources such as enterprise ERP, SAP, and other systems;
â?¢ helped identify opportunities for improvement or reliability automated analysis to identify and predict the occurrence of a fault and the root cause of this.
â?¢ Support the continuous improvement of operational maneuvers of the plant, inspection, maintenance and design strategies based on best practices, operational history as a basis for decision making.
â?¢ Integrity and safety strategies are developed processes to close the loop and continuously improve the performance of assets, the plant and the company.
The company then has established strategic corporate objectives, developing four perspectives of BSC to support his vision of operational excellence. These perspectives were classified as operational; reliability; Control of work; and operational discipline. In developed implementation workshops with key positions in the organization and proactive operational KPI's (leading indicators) that directly would link the strategic and their relationship to each perspective they were defined.
The company uses these KPI's operations to adopt new work processes that focused on security actions highly critical processes and established a clear cause-effect results. Project leaders also incorporated a set of skills and abilities that were developed internally as part of the "Intentional Skills Development" initiative, these included developing and training skills (skills) specialized in industry practice and methodologies such as maintenance reliability-centered (CRM), root cause analysis (RCA), based on the risk (RBI) and Operational Excellence (OE) inspection. Trends KPI's indicators from the perspective of human resources, ie operational discipline taken from preventive safety observation process, provided a roadmap for the team of senior management, with a global vision to improve profitability and mitigate risk.
Project leaders decided to implement the initiative in two phases. Phase 1 focused on reliability and perspective work control and security management processes, establishing a system of performance measurement for each. Again, each area had a strategy and operational KPI's that evaluate their performance.
Phase 2 will start in Q3 2016, it focuses on refining processes and skills and competencies of employees and maintain the target performance. Management has also identified potential barriers to achieving each of the objectives, to ensure that all areas are aware of the potential dangers (sense of vulnerability).
immediate benefits
The company uses new software tools, KPIs PSM strategy and methodologies that have allowed him to have immediate benefits.
In this brief example, we highlight the "Intentional Skills Development" to staff in key positions of the plant and the same process flow can be repeated to conduct maintenance practices and confiabiliadad. This exampIe also demonstrates how you can use similar strategies to solve other problems, taking advantage of the skills and abilities that develop in workers PSM systems. The basic workflow of this example was made possible by the implementation of a solution that integrates tools asset performance Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and strategy risk management and integrity (PSM), taking a joint database for analysis of reliability . Technicians and engineers use combined data from production, engineering, inspections, conditions, finance, security and history of process systems. This integrated way of doing allows estableecr more efficient and measurable recommendations.