6th CCPS Latin American Conference on Process Safety
Optimizing Process Hazards Analysis Work through Combined Methodologies
This presentation aims to show a combined use of two different methodologies in order to optimize PHA work, especially with process teams that are non- familiar with hazard analysis work neither with PHA methodologies. Additionally, the available time is always limited and the task must be efficient and reliable.
This approach combines the brainstorming method from What IF methodology to help the group disclose "worries" of any kind within the analysis scope (there is no need to be formal in this phase, the "worry" may be a pure hazard, disturbing event, danger, outcome, leaving the group free to brainstorm all unquietness). Then the whole number of questions arised are discussed and "filtered" in a special table that will sort them, producing: 1) a list of general recommendations (enhancing legal compliance and RAGAGEP applied recommendations) 2) a validated list of HAZARDS. Then, using Preliminary Hazard Analysis, each Hazard is analyzed and additional and specific recommendations are produced.
Then, other methodologies may be suggested and applied accordingly to the findings, like Hazop, FMEA.
As an example, five session (4 hour each) studies applied to different process areas in a plant provided an average of 250 brainstormed questions each, more than 80 general recommendations and 5 to 6% validated hazards analyzed, with non-familiar process teams.