6th CCPS Latin American Conference on Process Safety

Improving Process Safety Management Systems

Process safety management (PSM) systems are clearly required for managing the risks of facilities handling hazardous materials with the potential for catastrophic events. Since the inception of the concept in the 1990’s there has been increased interest in understanding how to implement systems but not often with a particular set of objectives and targets in mind. As such the companies investing in PSM may not be getting full value from their actions and not be making measurable progress in reducing the risks they intended to address.

PSM is a management system that, like other management systems, presents opportunities for improvement only if the complete Plan:Do:Act:Cycle is functional. This means establishing objectives and targets within the context of the PSM scope, planning a program commensurate with these goals, establishing metrics to measure the progress, then implementing program while continually and periodically aligning themselves to the performance objectives.

Auditing is a key opportunity to validate the process and improve performance to meet expectations for success. Auditing is more effective if aligned to organizational design and goals. Many auditing processes provide an incomplete approach, without consideration of the management system design or organizational goals.

Considerations such as management model, elements of the process, if the program is regulatory or performance driven, multiple performance objectives and key performance indicators should be key considerations when developing PSM management systems and the associated audit process.

This paper will review all of the above issues and suggest a model approach for organizing and managing an effective PSM program.