5th Latin American Conference on Process Safety
Use of Quantitative Risk Assessment As a Management Tools to Land Transport of Dangerous Goods
The methodology of Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) consists of techniques and mathematical models used to estimate the consequences of an initiating event and identify areas potentially affected by the effects of accidental releases of hazardous substances or energy uncontrollably. These releases generated are called physical effects of accidents (over pressure, flow and thermal clouds of toxic gases) that are possible to affect people, plants or environment. Product characteristics, inventory, operating conditions are the main points related to the extent of possible damage and limiting the intensity of the physical causes.
To improve the standards and practices of health, safety and environment management system related at land transport of dangerous goods it was used the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) to calculate the risks and consequences associated with the dimensions of the land transportation of dangerous goods through the concepts of the methodology available in the literature.
To apply methodology was essential the knowledge about borders (the process used to limit analysis), the systems involved, inventory, material conditions and the equipment. Information about geographic location, the population distribution and meteorological data also contributed to the study.
Transportation routes were also analyzed in detail and expressed through a route map (or “rotogramas”). This detailed mapping was defined between the production plant (starting point) and end consumers, and it was possible to identify key points in the transport routes (such as curves, etc.) which are considered crucial, according to the measurement and evaluation of the potential risk factors.
Moreover, relevant information for quantitative risk analysis was collected, and the possible accidental events that could potentially damage humans, the environment or compromise the integrity of equipment and company image was identified.
The results of the estimates of individual risks and social reassessment were used as the base for the elaboration of procedures and systems related to the supply chain transportation of the product concerned. Project design guidelines for the trailer, loading system, routes, unloading systems and storage customers were also reviewed. Aiming to become a more robust system of emergency, a team approach to emergency transport was utilized. Likewise, the combat actions and product handling in emergency conditions were defined according to the results obtained by quantitative analysis. Activities with customers were also performed in order to enrich the whole process of supply chain logistics.