5th Latin American Conference on Process Safety

Let Us Prevent the Next On-Shore Explosion

Diesel engines are compression ignition internal combustion engines; i.e: compression ratios of 15:1 up
to 22:1 result in adiabatic heating to ~550 degrees F. and fuel is ignited without a spark, contrasted with
the gasoline engine that uses a spark plug and has compression ratios typically in the range of 8:1 up to
10:1. Because these engines depend on control of available fuel to regulate speed, when combustible
gas or aerosol is available in the intake air supply diesel engines will accelerate to speeds limited only by
the amount of airborne fuel supply and will continue to accelerate until the intake supply is closed or
until valve train float, or backfire, results in ignition of the ambient air fuel supply or until the structural
integrity limits of the engine are exceeded and the engine explodes also resulting in ignition of ambient
air fuel supply.

There are mitigating measures other than the mass flow responsive air intake shut off devices, however
none are more effective or as reliable as the mass flow shut off valves, and none are more cost effective
(cheaper to install and maintain) or more widely available for the variety of diesel engines currently on
the market.

A large number of diesel engines (in vehicles, lighting towers, power generators and other equipment)
are used in the petrochemical and oil and gas industry for their day-to-day operation. Diesel engine
runaway is a serious hazard in oil and gas drilling and production and similar industries where flammable
hydrocarbon emissions or leaks may occur. A runaway can be described as an engine running out of
control on an external fuel source (i.e., the “fuel” in the air) where the operator cannot shut down the
engine using conventional methods (i.e. turning off the engine ignition switch).

In a total runaway engine situation, the result can range from minor engine damage to engine explosion,
causing catastrophic damage to the equipment and surrounding facilities and/or death or injuries to
personnel such as BP Texas City refinery and BP Deepwater Horizon explosions.