3rd Latin American Process Safety Conference and Expo

PROCESS SAFETY IN the CamaÇari Industrial COMPLEX, Brazil - the INFLUENCE of A Technical GROUP

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Process Safety in THE Camaçari Industrial
Complex, Brazil - The influence of a Technical Group

Aurinézio Calheira Barbosa - Cofic and Silvia Araujo
- Braskem

auri@coficpolo.com.br and Silvia.araujo@braskem.com.br

Prepared for presentation at the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers

3rd World Congress on Process Safety

Buenos Aires, Argentina

8 to 10 August 2011

process safety, risk analysis, risk management, Cofic


The objective of this paper is to present and promote experience
exchange in implementing Risk Management Programs implemented since 1993 in the
Camaçari Industrial Complex, with the
strong support of a technical group made of representatives of local companies in
the Complex and Cofic associated, located in the state of Bahia, Brazil

1. Introduction

The Camaçari Industrial Complex has 90 established
companies, 40 of which are chemical and petrochemical, and over 30 companies installed
in the Ford Complex. About 45 000 people work
at the Complex, including 15 000 direct employees. The Complex began its operations
in 1978 and is the largest integrated industrial complex in the southern
hemisphere. BRASKEM, the largest company in the Camaçari Industrial Complex and
one of the five largest private companies in the country, receives raw
materials from PETROBRASx petroleum by-products, mainly naphtha, and processes
them into primary petrochemicals (ethylene, propylene, benzene, toluene,
butadiene, xylenes, solvents and others).

The Complex is installed in an area of ​​approximately 235 Km2 in Camaçari,
manufacturing products that are turned into plastics, resins and synthetic
fibers, paints, pharmaceuticals, etc. The Complex also produces automobiles, cellulose,
textiles, copper wire and beverages.


The Complex is also excellence in the safety and
environmental protection areas, and is the only one that has a collective environmental
permit good from 2009 till 2017, given by the environmental agency based on effectiveness
of the control programs in place at the Complex.

2. Main Environmental Health and Safety Programs

2.1 PCP
- Contingency Plan of the Industrial Complex

The Complexxs emergency contingency plan for employees
based on risk analysis performed in the APPOLO 2 project. It defines common
procedures for all companies in emergency situations, involving evacuation of more
than 18 000 workers, with the support of the complex companies, Military
Police, Transit and Transportation Control Agency, NUDEC ? Community Defense
Group and CCC ?
Community Advisory Council. Emergency
scenario is chosen to be used for the annual drill.

PAM ? Mutual Aid Plan

Through the Mutual Aid Plan (PAM), any company within the
Complex limits can request help from other companies quickly in emergency
situations. Human and material resources are promptly made available, such as
doctors, fire brigades, emergency equipment.


To improve training on emergency response, Cofic built
the CTCE - Training Center for Emergency Control,  with scenarios similar to a chemical

PEC ? Community Emergency Plan

This plan meets the Responsible Care Program,
coordinated by ABIQUIM ? Brazilian Chemical Industry Association, and the
Complexxs Operating Permit # 12064/09. The main objective of the PEC is to
promote integration between the industrial complex, neighboring communities and
authorities, with a view to joint action in emergency cases that go beyond the
Complex limit.

2.4 PAME - Emergency Medical Service Plan

This program provides emergency medical assistance to the
companies. It is composed of specialized professionals (doctors and nurses),
ambulances, modern equipment for life support and partnership with hospitals
and clinics. It has a centralized center where the initial medical treatment
can be given and provided adequate transportation to local hospitals.

2.5  NUDEC ?
Community Defense Group and CCC ?
Advisory Council.

The CCC is composed of representatives of various social
segments of the cities of Camaçari and Dias D'Avila.
It has bimonthly meetings, 23 members from areas such as education, health,
environment, neighborhood associations, commerce, military
police, legislative and executive members of both cities.

NUDEC operates as an extension of the CCC. Supports
the PEC actions and holds activities to improve social and environmental awareness
in the community with technical support of Cofic.

2.6 PPSSMA -
Complexxs Environmental, Health and Safety Award

Established in 1997 by Cofic in order to encourage
continuous improvement of EH&S practices among companies, the PPSSMA is
considered one of the most rigorous evaluations of the industryxs management
processes to ensure accident prevention, life quality in the complex and
environmental preservation. It has an Audit Protocol with 16 elements regarding
EH&S management and more than 1,100 items.

They auditors visit each company to check their management
systems, and evaluate not only the EH&S area but also sectors such as
operation, maintenance, training, logistics, administration and contractors.The following criteria has been established:

Table 1.  Classification Process for the EHS Award

Protocol Score

Accident Rate with Loss of Time Classification
9.000 to 10.000 AND < 1,0 EH&S Excellence

8.000 to 8.999 < 2,0 5 «
7.000 to 7.999 < 3,0 4 «
6.000 to 6.999 < 5,0 3 «
3.500 to 5.999 < 7,0 2 «
1.000 to 3.499 < 9,0 1 «

APPOLO 2 Project - PGR (Risk Management Program)


Upon completion of the Environmental Impact Study
carried out in the 80xs, the state environmental agency required access to the
risks of the complex operation to the surrounding community. COFIC then created
in 1991 a Reference Guide to conduct it, and this study was called APPOLO 1
Project, involving about 30 companies in the Complex, being completed in 1995.

The Reference Guide defined technical specification to be
followed in risk analysis. This specification is based on Brazilian legislation
established by the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, and also the
international regulations of OSHA, EPA, the Council of the European Union (Seveso II) and the International Labor Organization (ILO

In 2000 COFIC created then a new technical
specification for the new studies to be conducted, focusing this time more on
comprehensive quantitative studies and new criteria for risk classification.
This new study was called APPOLO 2 Project, the transport of dangerous goods by
rail transport, pipelines and roads around the complex were also included.

2.7.1 APPOLO 2
Project Results

During the evaluation, more than 21,000 accident scenarios
were identified, with around 570 recommendations proposed to reduce risks in
business and transportation routes. In addition, 1,390 suggestions were
identified, with the goal to increase security operations but without the
obligation to be implemented.

According to the results of the PHA, all scenarios,
with outcomes classified as critical or catastrophic were included in the
analysis of vulnerabilities. Its effects were quantified using the software
PHAST - Process Hazard Analysis Software Tool, developed by DNV Software. A
total of 1,100 simulations were performed, including processing plants, storage
and transportation, the distribution of results shows that only 1% of
accidental scenarios with more than 2,000 m away from dangerous, with the
possibility to reach the surrounding communities of Camaçari Industrial
Complex. All scenarios, 99%, have their effects limited the industrial areas in


Finally, for Phase 3 - Quantitative Risk Analysis
(QRA), according to the APPOLO 2 risk matrix, all scenarios classified as
Pre-Check Analysis and Risk must be assessed using QRA methodology. This meant
that 30% of the 52 companies initially analyzed by preliminary hazard  analysis (PHA)
, and also road transportation and pipeline between the complex sites have
conducted QRA.

The results for the QRA showed that among the 90
process units, storage areas and transportation systems evaluated, 77% were
classified as acceptable, 16% as ALARP and 7% is not
acceptable. Given these results, because 23% of the risk analysis different
from acceptable, the mitigation measures were proposed and that the risk was
reviewed to examine their execution. Finally, with a reduction of 86% of units
were considered at acceptable risk (up 9% after the reduction of risk) and the
remaining 14% as ALARP.

The APPOLO 2 project has to be considered as one of
the most relevant studies for risk assessment due to its centralized approach
and coordination, that implicated in the use of common
methodology for all 52 companies included in the study.

2.8 Risk
Management Program (RMP)

Complementing the results APPOLO 2, it was also
defined that companies are required to implement their own RMP. An RMP Manual
was issued, based on ten management elements, as follows:

1. Process Safety Information

2. Risk Assessment

3. Operating Procedures

4. Training

5. Contractors

6. Integrity and Maintenance

7. Management of Change

8 Accident and incident investigation

9. Emergency Preparedness Plan

10. Audit Process


  • Pioneer in the implementation of an environmental protection integrated system, recognized nationally and internationally.

  • Continuous improvement of production processes / clean technologies investment, such as water reuse and energy savings.

  • The largest risk analysis study carried out in Brazil, involving all the companies installed in the Industrial Complex.

  • EH&S Audit (PPSSMA-Complexxs Environmental, Health and Safety Award).

  • Risk Management Program implemented, including hazard chemicals transportation.

  • Accident rate considering accidents that led to lost working time in the Complex is 2 per one million man-hours, against 17 per one million man hours in general national industry.

  • Permanent communication with communities through COFICxs Community Advisory Council.

See more of this Session: POSTER SESSION