3rd Latin American Process Safety Conference and Expo
Incorpotating Sil and LOPA Methodologies In Deten's Process Safety Management: A Reliable Approach to Risk Reduction and Cost
Pessoa, C. L. P. - Presenter, Deten Química S/A
Santana, A. P. D. - Presenter, Deten Química S/A
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Considering that Process Safety Management (PSM) is a one key aspect of sustainability for industrial companies who deal with dangerous products, the application of technical advanced methodologies for managing critical scenarios has became a crucial factor of achieving successful results of overall PSM. Associating these critical scenarios to the concept of major accident hazard, this kind of methodology, nowadays called barrier approach, effectively reduces and manages assets risks, by focusing on the main safeguards. In this case, the methodology and concept of SIL (Safety Integrity Level) has become one of the main alternatives in terms of risk analysis, once it concentrates on the SIS (Safety Instrumented System) as a robust and reliable barrier to prevent the development of critical scenarios. Additionally, the adoption of LOPA (Layers of Protection Analysis) over previous SIL analysis helps organization to refine critical barriers by studying other non-electronic barriers as well revising SIL considerations. This paper describes express the experience carried out by DETEN company in incorporating SIL and LOPA to its PSM directives. This work shows the results of the application methodologies and was based on calculations which show benefits for Detents’ risk reduction. The gains are objectively associated to the cost savings for different aspects of scenario consequences: people, production and equipment.
DETEN understands that PSM and their real effectiveness is one essential criterion for reaching excellence on Heath, Safety and Environmental, without disregarding the economical aspect of asset management.
See more of this Session: Safety Instrumented Systems