3rd Latin American Process Safety Conference and Expo
Criteria and Spacing Selection Regarding Risk Based Approach of Fire Fighting Systems for Diesel Oil Storage Tanks
The operational license of the Termozulia III Complex, Thermoelectric Generation Plant, located in the state of Zulia, is necessary to operational start-up, involving all companies associated in the engineering and construction of the Thermoelectric Complex Termozulia III. In order to define fire fighting systems associated to the oil storage tanks, in late 2010, it was developed a risk analysis study, named Consequence Estimation, in which it was evaluated a diesel oil storage system for valorize the system risk.
Explosions and fire risks in process plants pose a major challenge to designers, operators and all those that are responsible for the operation/maintenance of such facilities.
The knowledge of the prevention or mitigation procedures incorporated to the standards, and good engineering practices of construction and maintenance is part of this paper. Practical application examples taken from existing industrial plants today in operation are herewith presented with emphasis placed on the recommended and not recommended practices.
The study has started with a qualitative phase, using the Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) technique, being identified all the risk scenarios and the consequences calculated for the most critical scenarios (fireball, BLEVE, boilover), because for part of the EIS Consortium, executing the project, relate the results of risk analysis to the pumps and fire fighting network size.
For part of the Consortium EIS, risk calculations and measures proposed were not detailed enough to guarantee the risk acceptability in order to improve the safety for the oil storage system of the Termozulia III Complex. Finally, process design management has been developed and is in implementation phases for the complex, contributing the risk conditions in place today.
startup, fire fighting systems, quantitative risk analysis, process hazards analysis, fireball, boilover, frothover, slopover, bleve, oil storage tanks spacing, and risk based approaches.