2nd Latin American Process Safety Conference and Expo

Process Safety Key Performance Indicators Panel

The Process Safety Management is a really important topic for Petrochemical industries and having a reliable way of following up this process is a critical factor for the success of the Company. The objective of the present work was to develop a Process Safety Indicator panel that allows monitoring the performance of the Process Safety Management in the Basic Petrochemical Units of BRASKEM, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This panel is divided in reactive indicators, also called results indicators and leading indicators. For the first group of indicators the ones recommended by CCPS were considered in order to permit a comparison with industries worldwide. The leading indicators were selected in order to consider the most important elements presented on the OSHA 3132 Process Safety Management. This section of indicators allows mainly visualizing the performance in critical elements such as Mechanical Integrity, Emergency Planning and Response, Hot Work Permits, Training and Procedures. They also permit to monitor the recommendations of Internal Audits and Insurance Audits. On the whole, this panel allows a transparent management of the Safety Process within the company, therefore guaranteeing a real evolution of this subject.