2nd Latin American Process Safety Conference and Expo

Key Performance Indicators for Plant and Process Safety


Continuous improvement of our process safety performance;

Implement a long term communication concept to highlight the importance of process safety;

? Equal value of occupational and process safety;

? Address process safety in the annual goal setting process;

? Recognition / incentives for good process safety performance.

Establish and utilize indicators for process safety performance.

Consequent utilization of established systems.

Four Process Safety KPI's:

1)Hazard Analyses Performance:

Percentage of PHA and PHA actions completed on time (A3 & A4/A5* certificates not signed on time);

KPI 1 = (number of A3 certificates not signed on time + number of A4/A5 certificates not signed on time)/2 x number of A3 certificates on the unit

A3 Certificate = Safety Certificate

A4 Certificate = Pre-Start-up Safety Certificate (new unit)

A5 Certificate = Acceptance Safety Certificate (existing unit)

2) Inspection performance:

Percentage of inspections not completed on time (equipment and piping, PCT safety Instrumented functions, emergency relief devices).

KPI 2 = number of inspections not performed on time/ Total number of inspections to be performed in the calendar year

Safety relevant equipment as pressure vessels, storage tanks, piping, safety relief valves must be regularly inspected and PCT safety instrumented functions (SIL 2, SIL 3 or equivalent) proof tested. The inspection and proof test intervals are based on legal requirements and technical standards.

3) Operating discipline reporting:

Relative frequency in % of bypassing PCT safety instrumented functions due to instrument failure and / or specific operational reasons

KPI 3 = number of SIF bypassed (per quarter)/Total number of SIF in the unit

PCT safety instrumented functions (SIL 2, SIL 3 or equivalent) are installed to minimize the risks. They cannot fulfill their task when they are bypassed or otherwise overridden.

By determining the frequency of bypasses in safety instrumented functions weak points in the process safety concept of a unit can be discovered.

Not relevant: e. g. bypasses for start-up and shut-down procedures or bypasses for proof testing of PCT equipment.

According to Group Regulation No. 1928, BMS Regulations Nos. 98 and 5 a work permit is mandatory for work on PCT safety instrumented functions.

4) Operational Safety Performance:

Number of Safety Critical Variable exceedances per year

KPI 4 = number of Safety Critical Variables exceedances (per quarter)

Safety critical variable exceedance = continued operation above defined safety critical limit for activation of safety measures, because:

?the safety measures were not activated or were violated,

?the safety measures were not performing as design intent.

Failure of the safety concept.

Safety Critical Variable = A Process Variable inherently linked to the safe operation of a particular process. Operation outside of its defined limit takes the process into a zone of unacceptable consequences.


Does not apply to:

?Downstream units (system houses, manufacturing units for plastic sheets)

?Lab scale pilot units



Infrastructure and tank farm units have to be considered, if relevant process hazard potential is identified

Process Safety KPIs for new units are determined in the year following their start-up

General workflow:

The KPIs will be evaluated per quarter

The KPIs will be calculated and documented in GlaS (Glamour for Process Safety KPIs)

Access to GlaS and reporting with GlaS will take place in accordance to the Glamour rules

The data must be entered into GlaS until the 15. day after the end of a quarter

Numbers which are necessary for the KPI calculation will be entered into GlaS by responsible persons / groups as defined locally:

?e.g. a central person / group provides this service

?e.g. each unit is entering data for itself

Unit Management is responsible for the correctness of the available information for each KPI