2nd Latin American Process Safety Conference and Expo

Implementing a PSM On a New Ethylene Production Project

The process safety management in a petrochemical company is a key factor for sustainability, since it is intended to prevent or minimize the consequences of a major accident due to a release of toxic, reactive, flammable or explosive substance from a process.

This work aims to present an approach to implement a Process Safety Management (PSM) in the project of a new Ethylene plant that will be constructed at Braskem - Basic Petrochemical Unit in the South Petrochemical Complex, Brazil and was conceived to produce Ethylene in an Ethanol basis. The start-up is schedule for September/2010. All the 13 elements of the PSM proposed for this plant were based on OSHA 3132 (29 CFR 1910.119) and have being considered in each phase of the Enterprise: design, pre-startup and operating phase. The relation between these elements is also presented, the chronology of implementation and the expected results for each phase. The incorporation of current practices, considering the 27 and 10 year experience of two existing Ethylene units (naphtha basis), such as technical standards, operational and management practices, is also considered an important synergy factor.