2nd Latin American Process Safety Conference and Expo

Enhancing Reliability in Emergency Response Situations

The Camacari Petrochemical Complex is located 60Km from Salvador de Bahia, it started the operation 1978 and at the time has 60 companies. Every year the Camaçari Petrochemical Complex performs a general emergency drill that involves more than 50 companies. In a partnership with COFIC (Camaçari Industrial Foment Committee) the Monsanto Camacari site led the event for 2008. The Emergency Drill is an important initiative in the Complex because it was made without any previous advice for the companies an under a realistic scenario for people involved. The most important benefits from the Emergency Drills are: 1 ? Training for the 15,000 people around all the complex in how actuate in a emergency situation 2 ? Give to the community around the complex the opportunity to participate in the training using emergency situation concepts 3 ? Reduce the risk of incidents during a real emergency situation 4 ? Evaluate the behavior of the internal Monsanto Camaçari site Crisis Committee 5 - Evaluate the participation of the Regulatory agencies, Police Department, Petrochemical Complex Fire Brigades and surrounding community The 2008 Emergency Drill scenario simulated a significant P4 (phosphorous) release with victims inside the Monsanto Camaçari fences (according to PHA scenario) The Emergency drill involved all the complex employees and contractors in 3 hours exercise to evacuate the complex due to the simulated P4 release. The emergency scenarios started with the P4 isotainer fall in the storage area, pass through the victims attended for the fire brigade, included the participation of the community in the area as beholders and finished with the victims transportation to the hospitals and the notice indicating the exercise conclusion.