4th Global Summit on Process Safety

Technology Transfer Activity to Next Generation Operators for Prevention of Recurrence for Plant Accident

In recent years, serious accidents which are regarded as recurrence of previous similar troubles or accidents in chemical plant continued in Japan. Therefore, cause analysis and technical transfer for the previous troubles and accidents are very important for the prevention of recurrence. In contrast, a lot of operators who experienced plant trouble have retired, and next generation operators with a little experience have increased. In such circumstances, in order to avoid recurrence for similar accidents and troubles that happened for the past, we have considered that it is important for the next generation operators to improve ability for real corresponding when an abnormal situation was caused as well as knowledge education for technical transfer. Therefore, our company has established the new activity that includes risk assessment for existing plant with examples for the previous plant accidents and troubles, and the emergency countermeasure training to improve corresponding ability. Our activity consists of 4 steps as follows,
  1. Risk assessment for own plant with reference to the previous troubles and accidents including other company’s experiences.
  2. Evaluation and suggestion for this risk assessment by 3rd party.
  3. Cause analysis for each hazard by operators, and re-checking or re-making manual for emergency countermeasure.
  4. Emergency countermeasure training for each abnormal situation by operators.

We consider that this activity is effective to improve risk assessment of our plants and the operator’s corresponding ability.

(230 words)


chemical plant, recurrence prevention, previous similar troubles or accidents,

education for operators