4th Global Summit on Process Safety
Alternative Simple Fire and Explosion Models for Bousai Assessment
This paper shows that Bousai Assessment can be supplemented using rather rigorous calculation methods not prescribed by the Guideline through the application of calculation examples. It provides an account of the followings:
Estimate the total frequency of all the accidental leaks in a plant and frequency distributions for leak holes of various sizes using a leak frequency statistical database
Estimate blast overpressure from an Unconfined Vapor Cloud Explosion (UVCE) using TNO Multi-Energy Model. The estimated blast overpressure is used as design input into blast resistant design for control building and tanks
Estimate the mass of a flammable gas to explode in an UVCE based on gas dispersion calculation
Estimate the dispersion distance of a flammable gas with various release conditions
Estimate blast overpressures from a BLEVE of each LPG sphere tank with various rupture scenarios
Estimate the flame length and hazardous range of a jet fire
Keywords: Risk assessment, Bousai assessment, QRA, Consequence analysis, Leak frequency, Dispersion, Vapor cloud explosion, BLEVE, Jet fire