2nd CCPS Global Summit on Process Safety

Reducing Process Risk to Acceptable with a 50 Element Comprehensive Process Safety System


Drake, T. - Presenter, The Drake Group/MESHsystems

Reducing Process Risk to Acceptable with a 50 Element Comprehensive Process Safety System

 It is accepted that process safety risk cannot be totally eliminated.  Therefore, the goal is to reduce them to "as low as reasonably practicable" by the implementation of a system of controls that identifies potential hazards to eliminate or mitigate their initiation or reduce their effect. Compliance regulations for the most part have been insufficient in providing a program that delivers all of the elements needed to meet the challenge of reducing risk to an acceptable level. To provide an acceptable level of protection requires that we look beyond the standard set of regulated practices and include.

This presentation will offer a selection of 50 initiatives that the author has found useful or even essential to accomplishing the goal of risk reduction to an acceptable level. This expands or modifies the elements included in compliance requirements to include others that have been identified from failures identified in process safety incident investigations or created to respond to weaknesses found in process safety audits and evaluations.

The 50 elements are divided into 5 categories:

  • Analysis
  • Communication
  • Competence
  • Control
  • Leadership

These categories will include elements that have been used effectively in achieving the goal of reducing risk to the lowest possible acceptable level. Examples for many of the elements will be provided to illustrate some working systems to provide a starting point for developing similar systems.

In addition, an online survey tool will be provided to attendees so they can evaluate the elements presented and add additional elements.  The results will be provided to the participants when the survey is completed.