2nd CCPS Global Summit on Process Safety

Lessons Learned During Development of Proactive Process Safety Culture- in ORPIC

Orpic is one of the growing organizations in the Middle East region comprising of Refineries and Petrochemical Plants. It was initially established in 2011 with integration of three major industries of Oman.

Safety and Environment is one the corporate value for Orpic. Orpic understand the complexity of our processes and ready to take every possible step to control and manage our hazards and risks and make Orpic a safe place. We understand that implementing Occupational Health & Safety Management System is an important step towards managing and control of safety risks in the process industry. However, it cannot mitigate all of the HSE risks faced. Industrial disasters such as the Bhopal Plant (1985), Phillips Pasadena Plant (1989), Esso Longford ( 1998) and BP’s Texas City Refinery highlight the shortfalls of an OHSMS, with its mere focus on personal safety hazards and risk. To focus only on personal safety and LTIs in the process industry is itself a major hazard, as good performance against personal safety risks can lead to complacency, resulting in major accidents.

Orpic understands the importance of Process Safety and realize that Process Safety can only be improved and maintained in a large scale major industry when it is embedded in the culture of the organization.

To develop and foster a positive and proactive Process Safety culture, we have taken various steps. This presentation will explain the Orpic approach adopted for a Proactive Process Safety Culture, the challenges faced and solution devised. It will also discuss various challenging elements of Process Safety and our ongoing efforts / mechanisms to deal with them.