2nd CCPS Global Summit on Process Safety

Driving Process Safety Culture

To be successful in implementing Process Safety Culture in an organization, it is very important for everyone in the organization to embrace it, from top management to the front line.

The ability to recognize the gaps, formulate the actions plan, structured communication and management follow through on execution is very crucial to ensure successful implementation. Hence, very critical to identify change driver and focus execution as process safety involved technical/technology knowhow in depth knowledge to be able to formulate and drive the identified focus area.

Having a robust and transparent system as well as clear discussion platform definitely help on monitoring compliances. At the same time, the capability of the people in understanding / identifying and mitigating the associated risk is very important. Creating a risk based decision culture is a first step in managing process safety. Any actions taken has to be risk assessed. Developing a continuous learning organization is another, as decision has be based on technical knowledge.